Oct 12, 2010

Flag Animation

This animation is of a waving flag. Oh man this was the hardest animation I have done so far, but I mysteriously made it through.

Bowling Ball

This is my bowling ball animation.

This was my first 2D animation. It's of a tennis ball bouncing. This is something that is a must know for animation because it starts you off with some of the basis principles animation.

Bean Bag Animation for Principles for 2D Animation

In 2D animation class we had to create a 4-6second animation of a bean bag going through 3 emotions.
Here's my scenario for my bean bag:

Sooo this is a bean bag that is in kindergarten sitting peacefully among his classmates. The teacher then asks the class who would like to be the teacher's helper for the week. Immediately, the bean bag rockets his nub into the air as high as he can reach hoping to be chosen. The teacher is still scanning the classroom for her helper, so the bean bag tries to raise his nub even higher and he starts to stumble forward one step. Then all stops. The teacher has just called on another student to be the helper. The bean bag is in shock and he just freezes. Then his nub drops while everything is still stretched. Slowly he begins to drop down into a depressed slump. He then covers his "face" with his nubs in sadness.